Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Returning to the Path of Water (Love)

I am returning to the Path of Water, with a vengeance this time I suppose. I just re-read my original Path of Water entry and have realized that as has happened so many times before, I had fallen off of the path and not really been focusing on it.

My goals for this time's run through...

*Embrace Unconditional Love (although I know this will be an ongoing lesson for me to learn, love is easiest learned with those one does care about, and that is part of the meaning of this path.)

*Show Love to myself. (Part of doing this is exemplified in taking care of myself, like the waters of life, nurturing my soul.)

*Connecting to the element of water in it's varied forms (to include symbols, colors, energy, deities, and entities associated with water.)

*I mean to keep to my journaling of my relevant experiences and keeping a daily personal journal of other more innocuous things.

*Resuming & maintaining my intuitive studies (reading my books and doing daily exercises where I am accessing my psychism.)

Butterfly Medicine...

I posted this to my healing center's blog and upon proofreading it thought it would be something nice to share with the wonderful men & women of this community, enjoy & my blessings!

I have been thinking a lot lately of Butterfly. Butterfly is one of the totems that I work closely with and one that holds fascination for many. For me the first communication with my "Higher Self" was in the form of a Monarch Butterfly, she called herself Naware. I took my name as a healer in honor of my connection to my inner god-force/Higher Self.

Butterfly medicine (to me) bespeaks of a soft gentleness. The fragility and strength of life. It communications movement, and taking in the sweetness of life. Transformation and it's creative and restorative powers are also figured deep within traditional views of Butterfly.

I wrote a "prayer" (or invocation if you like) to Butterfly that I will share with you now:

Butterfly Woman
share your medicine with me
show me the fragile gentleness of life
and the brilliance of your delicate flight

Let me know the freedom of the wind
and drink of the sweet nectar of creation

Transform me beyond my physical bonds
No longer looking up in wonder
Bound to my Earthly home

Creature of fire & light
Bless me with your wisdom
To Be as I am & Nothing More
Butterfly Woman

Naware 12/29/2009

Friday, December 25, 2009

Turning Over a New Leaf...

I guess I'm a bit of what you might call a social networking junkie. But for all the sites that I'm part of I don't necessarily update that often or share too personally anything.

Then again there are others I visit constantly. So in an effort to embrace my dreams I'm going to be backposting a lot of interesting musings, thoughts, and even some poetry. I hope to up the awareness about my 3 blogs (for my healing center, my business, and this personal one) as well as share what I've got to say to the world - after all that is the point of a blog now isn't it?

So buckle up and get ready for the ride as I'm sure it's going to be interesting and full of many a new experience! See you there!
