Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Water & the Tao...

By releasing the thoughts of my day I already can see the inner beauty of the message before me. One of my habits while I am walking the Path of Water is that every so many days I will read a chapter in Wayne Dyer's book Change Your Thoughts, Change Your Life today I am up to the 8th verse which deals with water...

Two things strike me upon reading this, first I am at the 8th verse, a mystical and powerful number for me along this path especially. Secondly, and even more obviously than the first is the note that the subject of today's verse from the Tao Te Ching is about water.

I stayed up late and awoke cranky, my stomach hurting and my mind milling over the many things I feel I have to get done in the next two days. This stress only contributing to the discomfort I was having to begin with.

However, one thing I am implementing on this path - as well as in my life period is the law of attraction. If you've seen me on Twitter you might well have noted my points about the law and that I "love it" :) But really, as a Witch, it's nothing new to me. The law of attraction is a, and perhaps the, fundamental law of the Universe. It's what sympathetic magick is based upon and that is one of the simplest and most basic forms of magick - simply put like attracts like.

If you've heard of Wayne Dyer, or "The Secret", or any of the other writings by various authors connected with one of the two you've likely heard about the law of attraction. You might have taken it forgranted or thought it nonsense, but that could not be farther from the truth and even now you've likely been affected many ways by the law - plainly - and not even realized it.

Perhaps the greatest example of it at work is this: you know when you're around someone who is down in the dumps and "always" seems to be moaning and bitching and complaining. Eventually, along with getting tired of their rut, you will feel as they do. This is because they, by continuing "negative" expressive habits, reinforce their circumstances and create more of the same. This boils down to us all "getting what we put out there" or creating our lives.

Now there is a large note of responsibility in here, that many folk will baulk mean I who want nothing more than this, or that, and this caused this bad in my life or that bad? Yes. Fear, Doubt, and Worry are the primary culprits that help us continue this pattern (but sadness and anger also run a close second). When we give in to these things and succumb to the patterns that they are part, we invite those patterns into our lives ever more. One way to combat this is to turn your attention away from them and think of all that you have to be grateful for - friends, family, free will, a life, your health, the littlest things and the big things. When we are focusing on one of the "bad" emotions we are blocking out the good ones. You likely know all too well that when you are in a bad mood you really don't want to be cheered up till you're ready, and often you may resent others helping you. This is the ego talking - trying to control and make it's demands for it's own satisfaction rather than for the higher good.

Another pointer is so speak like you have what you want - this continues the gratitude and invites positive feelings into your line of sight. Saying that you have something makes you happy, so step it up a notch and phrase it that way, "I am so happy and grateful (now) that...Thank you!" That sends out positive vibes and those will return to you!

And while to those who are cynical this may sound like a bunch of "optimistic mumbo jumbo" consider this. When was the last time that you were worried, hurt, upset, angry or the like and said, "I am happy that I have this..." or "Thank you" in a genuine manner of the words? It's likely you never have, and rather instead focused all the more on what you didn't have or did not wholeheartedly consider what you Do have. Make the decision to change that now and the wonders will not cease!

Blessings to you on your journeys towards abundance!

Monday, April 27, 2009

Reflection & Nostalgia

It's funny and though this title may lend a more solemn & somber tone, this post isn't meant to be regretful by any means so much as hmmmm things that make you think.

I recently had a dream involving someone I used to know, someone I was friends with in junior high mostly, and associated with in high school. But my attention sticks more back to who I was, or rather who I seemed to be in those days than anything else.

I'm sure anyone who knows me from junior high or high school might be "shocked" by who and what I seem to have become, but when I look back at the people I would even be likely to talk to nowadays it dawns on me that I really don't talk to too much of anyone from "back home". The 'friends' I associated with all lost touch at the end of high school if not before then and save for 2 who I occasionally speak to that's it.

It's funny how I never really noticed it - but somehow not so surprising now that I think of it. I felt cramped when I lived there, and I really couldn't be myself because I "wasn't allowed" and now that I have had my freedom and I can express myself as I please - I find myself in another predicament of enclosure (although that's another story).

But all in all it's just very funny. I'm sure any who knew me would read this and quite possibly be perplexed at this person writing, realizing that they probably didn't know me at all when we were talking and now it is but more evident.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Free Yourself From Negative Thoughts.

I'm sure I will get some enticing followers from this post and I hope that it helps you as much as it helps me, if not more.

Learn to let go. It's not all your fault, some things just happen. And even in the worst storm there is some positive aspect. Be it release of built up energy that would have led to a worse disaster later, or to clear debris through the tumultuous winds. Perhaps it's to motivate you to higher ground. Note that I speak of personal "storms", those bad days, and just plain "bad luck" that seems to harry some people day in and out.

Release your thoughts of duality. Nothing really is good or bad, it just is. Things are only what you make of them, so if you learn to make nothing of them then they are just that. Everything is ultimately transient. And everything comes from the same place to return there. We are all one and connected so there really is no opposite. We in the Western culture have been steeped in these ideas, but they do not create or connect us to happiness. They merely separate us from wholeness.

Stop worrying. You worry because things aren't "going right" or "as planned". You worry that something Will go wrong, or that you didn't make the best choice. But even if you made the best decision and everything will turn out great, your thoughts contrary can stop this in it's tracks. Next time something sticks in your mind - find something else to do or somewhere else to be. Take a step back, literally or figuratively breathe deeply and evenly. And look at the situation from another perspective. You probably have several emotions invested in whatever you're worrying about. So look at it as though you were someone else. If someone came to you with your worries on their mind what would you tell them to do? Likely not continue to worry. Learn to take your own advice.

Find a hobby to help you de-stress and pass time. Something creative like drawing or some other art form. That way you can make a positive thing from something negative. Journal, talk to friends. Use breathwork to calm yourself, breathe in and out evenly then slowly move your inhalation : exhalation to a 1 : 2 ratio. Maintain this for as long as it is comfortable, stopping if your feel lightheaded, dizzy, or off. Lay down in Svanasana (Corpse Pose) and pick a point on the ceiling to stare into. Detach yourself from worry, fear, and anger - as these are unproductive emotions. They (like any other emotion) only feed into themselves and necessitate other "bad" feelings.

After awhile of doing these things, steadily, take time to reflect and view yourself as you are now. How do you differ from how you were? What improvements have you made? How do you feel about yourself now?

Hard work paid off didn't it?

Monday, April 20, 2009

Contemplative Thoughts

It's a feeling - hard to describe...

It's something I recognize, something I know to be true...but the details are fuzzy and drawn...

I feel something large on the horizon, looming ever closer but in such a way that I could not identify it even if I tried. I know that it will not reveal itself to me anytime soon - but will come as some sudden realization.

I have become nostalgic for some time now...looking back on the last 6 years as though they were a lifetime. So many things have happened, so many things are different, so much pain and turmoil, joy and sorrow - so much change. I could not comprehend all the things that have happened to me ahead of time.

And yet I find myself not connecting to who and where I am also. I stood doing the dishes the other night and it was as though I was coming back into my body, as though I were someone else watching from my own perspective. A faint memory trying to force it's way through but coming only as a murky recollection of something "not quite right".

I know time and time again I've felt these things, not necessarily all at the same time as with now - but I generally try to make note of them. However, I seem to rarely write them down...

I think this feeling is part of why I want to go on a sabbatical from "life" though. I feel that I need to figure it out, and I know I can't with all this distraction (eg everyday life, etc) going on. And yet the pain I know it would induce in those around me many not understanding the inner workings of my mind, is too much for me to bear further contemplation. Aside from the fact that I am locked in certain life situations that do not allow me to have free will in certain areas for lofty consequences.

As a healer I feel the call to be involved globally, to make note and make a difference. To help heal the Earth and my fellow plant/animal/man. And yet with all these things going on in my own microcosm, what do I care about the person down the street? Much less across the world. It's a closed minded view and it really does nothing for the "highest good" but it is an understandable point of view - albeit Ego driven.

The whole feeling irks me in a sense because I "know" something is coming...but it's as though it is moving through a mist. I can sense the movement, but can't see anything.

I'm not as in tune with my psychic senses as I'd like to be...I get fragments. Like right now.... I don't even feel like I'm here...I look around the room and it's like I'm in this strange place. I know where I am but, it's hard to explain.

The Path of Water

Funny how I should be called to walk this path now, during April (April Showers and all). And of course duly appropos.

I have been able to be fairly productive this morning, getting through my morning routine without too many distractions. Though the worst part right now will be that I am worried for my snake, she might be sick, but I'm not sure, and I can't afford a vet bill, so I will be praying and doing Reiki for her.

Other than that the creativity flows as it is wont to do lately - which is graciously wonderful because I need a positive outlet whenever I walk the paths.

I think I will sit outside and watch the rain today.

.: ~ *** ~ :.

Interesting spiritual epiphany today...

The run down: though the day started off well enough, somewhere towards noon I suffered a meltdown. I was trying to take care of some personal business involving the military (which I despise with a great passion) and my email just stopped working. Then like a snowball (water reference) going just took off after that getting steadily worse. I tried for several minutes and even restarted my computer but to no avail. I finally gave up - I was tired, upset and really in no spirits to deal with Murphy's Law at the moment. But the meltdown continued and it was all just very unpleasant. *sigh*

Now that I have worried several friends of mine and my significant other and taken a very long nap I'm feeling better and these thoughts come to me about the situation...

1. I am walking the Path of Love/Water (water reference) in my religious studies. This is also a path I've been avoiding for some time now, I'm really not sure why - but I have inkling suspicious that it has to do with my Ego not wanting to be proven wrong and therefore ignored.

2. The New Moon is this Friday. As a Cancer, a Moon child as I affectionately refer to all born under that sign, I am particularly susceptible to Her influences. And upon looking at my datebook the moon is in Pisces (just as I suspected). Another 2 water references.

3. I'm menstruating, which means my emotions are running even higher than usual OY.

4. I received Reiki yesterday (which helped with my back which had been killing me) and gave myself a full treatment today (and in the shower - another water reference) - so I probably was dealing with things that were bound to come out that I had been avoiding. Ugh.

So now upon considering this it all makes much more sense - too bad hindsight is 20/20.

All in all it was a good reflective period and now I am putting somethings together about my situation and life.

Also I have been hearing Yemaya (water reference) calling to me...I have always felt this distinct separation from water deities and attributes and so have decided to try and work through that all - particularly since my associations with water are for the dark, primordial waters - of creation and chaos. Reflective of the torrents of my soul.