Monday, April 20, 2009

The Path of Water

Funny how I should be called to walk this path now, during April (April Showers and all). And of course duly appropos.

I have been able to be fairly productive this morning, getting through my morning routine without too many distractions. Though the worst part right now will be that I am worried for my snake, she might be sick, but I'm not sure, and I can't afford a vet bill, so I will be praying and doing Reiki for her.

Other than that the creativity flows as it is wont to do lately - which is graciously wonderful because I need a positive outlet whenever I walk the paths.

I think I will sit outside and watch the rain today.

.: ~ *** ~ :.

Interesting spiritual epiphany today...

The run down: though the day started off well enough, somewhere towards noon I suffered a meltdown. I was trying to take care of some personal business involving the military (which I despise with a great passion) and my email just stopped working. Then like a snowball (water reference) going just took off after that getting steadily worse. I tried for several minutes and even restarted my computer but to no avail. I finally gave up - I was tired, upset and really in no spirits to deal with Murphy's Law at the moment. But the meltdown continued and it was all just very unpleasant. *sigh*

Now that I have worried several friends of mine and my significant other and taken a very long nap I'm feeling better and these thoughts come to me about the situation...

1. I am walking the Path of Love/Water (water reference) in my religious studies. This is also a path I've been avoiding for some time now, I'm really not sure why - but I have inkling suspicious that it has to do with my Ego not wanting to be proven wrong and therefore ignored.

2. The New Moon is this Friday. As a Cancer, a Moon child as I affectionately refer to all born under that sign, I am particularly susceptible to Her influences. And upon looking at my datebook the moon is in Pisces (just as I suspected). Another 2 water references.

3. I'm menstruating, which means my emotions are running even higher than usual OY.

4. I received Reiki yesterday (which helped with my back which had been killing me) and gave myself a full treatment today (and in the shower - another water reference) - so I probably was dealing with things that were bound to come out that I had been avoiding. Ugh.

So now upon considering this it all makes much more sense - too bad hindsight is 20/20.

All in all it was a good reflective period and now I am putting somethings together about my situation and life.

Also I have been hearing Yemaya (water reference) calling to me...I have always felt this distinct separation from water deities and attributes and so have decided to try and work through that all - particularly since my associations with water are for the dark, primordial waters - of creation and chaos. Reflective of the torrents of my soul.

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