Thursday, May 6, 2010

A Hole in my Heart

I look out into the world. I hear the bright chirping of the songbirds and see the flutter of sunlight through the trees. It's a beautiful day outside, and yet a pall is cast over me.

For many years I have ached to "fill" myself. I have looked around me and felt only emptiness. I have tried and yet felt dissatisfied even with my meager results. But what else could you expect when you barely make the effort to wake in the morning? When each day seems a lesson in doldrums and disappointment. I have painted my life in shades of gray and wonder where the color is. It's funny really - for what else should one expect? Yet I scream vainly at the injustice, cry out pitifully "Why me?!" When the judge and jury, and even the executioner of my dreams wears my face.

Today is a breakthrough, a beginning of a release of the shackles I've used to hold myself back and it's time to unlock them and toss them away.

I look out the window again, the bright day greets me. The same songbird still chirping happily whatever message he or she has and I smile. Wholeheartedly and with feeling. I have begun, the journey is upon me and now where it will take me I eagerly await!

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