Thursday, March 4, 2010

The End of the Path of Water...

Time has gone by and a lot of learning has occurred. My psychism has developed to a degree more. I've had some past life memories, more communications from the spirits around me and I feel more connected. I felt the pull for the time to change last night, and even did some transitioning in what I was wearing that symbolized the need to move on to the next path.

Reflecting over what I've learned it's been a wonderful and insightful journey and I expect to learn more even after leaving this path in regards to it. All of the paths are interactive and affect one another.

This path has meant inspiration as well as intuition for me, connection to the Divine Feminine and our inner psychic nature. It relates to all of the symbols that can be associated with the female and goddess energy, as well as the heart chakra, love (of the Self, family, friends, and all others). It connects to the element of Water and the color Green (but also any of the colors of love - red, white, and pink). The symbol in my personal Chaos Star is the bow and arrow of cupid, tipped in gold, white white dove feathers.

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