Monday, February 8, 2010

Interesting Dream

I dreamt I was giving a sweat lodge. It wasn't precisely the kind of lodge that I had attended before, but I think more to the point it was the message of something that I would/could be doing in the future.

It was strange, I know there was one woman who was very infirm there. It was more like a one-to-one sort of thing. But while it wasn't set up exactly like we did, it gave me the same "feel" if that makes any sense. There was a structure we went into and it was dark in there, but when we came out it was light.

The woman I helped seemed to have had trouble walking before and was improving afterwards, little by little.

The dream has triggered some very psychic energy though, I can really feel my third eye...which happened to me a few days ago with something else.

I have the interest, but I see the dream as something into the future by quite a bit. BUT, I don't have dreams like that, so for me to do so is very interesting.

Regardless of the meaning of the actual dream, whether it was literal or figurative I take it as a good omen.

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Another Remembrance...

I lie there with my lover, much like in another time, awake and restless. My third eye feels heavy and leaden as it sinks back to another time entirely.

Roughly dragged away I am told, "He's not for you..."

The words echo in my mind and I try to fight them, but now they are just words, just a faded memory of a time long ago. The feeling passes as I come back to the present and I feel more in my body, more in my time.

These episodes make me wonder what I was like, what time I lived in, how it all played out. All too soon I'm sure, I'll remember...

Saturday, February 6, 2010

The Snow, Goddess, & Reflections...

The winter and cold is often a time of reflection for people. We, like our animal brethren, often like to stay inside and only those who like to play in the snow, or must venture out, do. I myself prefer the cozy warmth of my own abode and dislike the snow. Jokingly lately I have made the comments that perhaps I should make an offering to Skadi or the Cailleach Bheur and maybe the snow will stop. Then again, maybe They will be pleased by the offering and stick around, much to my chagrin.

But on an entirely serious note, I don't believe in the grand scheme of things that as a Witch i need to seriously try and mess with the weather. I say this because I believe in "cause & effect". I also believe in chaos mind you and Murphy's Law. To the subject at hand, it is my belief that all of these marvelously strange and disconcerting weather patterns and events are a response from Gaia, Rhea, Mother Nature as I so fondly refer to Her. We as humans are very concerned with our superiority over the world we live in, even when it's abilities are far vaster than our own. Sure we can go to outer space and we can cure once uncurable diseases. But what is the cost for our haughtiness, that arrogant pride that we so instill within ourselves and our offspring? Now we have things we cannot explain, or wherein their explanation we realize some grave mistakes of our past, and present.

We now have more complicated and resilient diseases. And while it can be argued that some of these diseases were there all along, and merely misdiagnosed because we didn't have the tools and capability to see them for what they were, that's a moot point to me. We live in a world of our own making and Mother Nature is taking a stand. She is correctly, forcibly, the things we have incurred upon Her wrongly.

To me, disease, natural disasters, and other such fatal catastrophes are the ultimate population control - resulting in death. As a healer I seem to seek to preserve life, but I do not force it where it should not be. I do not go to great depths to undo the damage we have done to ourselves. I seek to bring awareness to our bodies so that we may live our lives well. And not continue to make the mistakes of our pasts. With every "mistake" or "negative action" there is a lesson to be learned. So it does not seem right to me to just fix it, when really one should be learning from it. Inevitably in truly doing so you will right it. Sometimes things happen merely for us to learn from them.

I believe in balance, and at this day and age, in order to achieve this balance some things must be cut away. It reminds me of The Tower from the Tarot. To me this card so often is not necessarily pleasant, but altogether necessary. It tells us that we are holding onto something and trying to inhibit a necessary change. Often times the more we hold onto things the more it hurts to let go, but we do not see it as that. To us it is unfair, it is wrong, it hurts and yet there is a reason for the ending of any cycle. You cannot invite new growth or changes or lessons without periodically sweeping away the old. So let go, let live, let die.

I'm not telling you not to fight, but consider what you're really doing. So often we, as humans, have mistakenly pursued a cause that "at the time" we thought was right, only to realize gravely too late that it was perhaps not the best course of action. How many species have we lost? How much land has been corrupted? What horrible diseases and other catastrophes have we invited upon ourselves due to our own self-serving arrogance?

Food for thought...

Friday, February 5, 2010


I had one yesterday, and today while sitting here eating breakfast (which I had performed a small Reiki blessing over) I felt another "pull" of psychic memory, calling to me...

A song came on and a flash of memory came to me...

...I get the feeling of the country side
I can't tell whether it's mainland Europe or not
But there is this beautiful summer day
There is a sea of golden wheat or some other grain, it's flowing in the wind

I also get the feeling that I am sitting there spinning something...working outside possibly, or near a window where I can see...


Another song comes on and I see "myself" skipping through the grasses, I'm laughing and smiling. Playing with a small boy, swinging him around and he laughs and smile joyously. There is love here, and peace, happiness.

Thursday, February 4, 2010

A Small Culmination on the Path of Water

Imagine if you will - your Third Eye, just where it would anatomically be, between your eyebrows and up a bit. It is squeezed shut however, and it's like something is taking a crowbar to it, prying it open. It hurts, o buddy does it hurt, but it hurts because you're holding on. You're gripping the fear of seeing and what you need to do is to let go and let love.

That's what's going on right now. I had a session with a client earlier today. It was rather impromptu but I think it went well. During the session I had the pleasure of actually sensating her aura - which though I may be an energy healer my clairsentience isn't my strong suit. But now I have the confidence (having decided to actively work with it).

After my session I was in such a good and jolly mood that I visited the Witch store. Having been there for a time, I nabbed a cup of tea and decided on 2 books by Ted Andrews I have been meaning to pick up Sacred Sounds and The Healer's Manual. I was about to leave when I had the memory of some fascinations that have been going on for the last few months. Growing ever stronger. I decided I would attempt to get some impressions from a reader about them if she was able. What I got was confirmation. It was that gentle nod from the Universe telling me that no I wasn't imagining it and there was more beneath the surface.

I had said just yesterday that I should investigate some past life of my "sister". Knowing more now than I did the first time the idea cropped into my head, and then here again I was getting the message that this is the thing to do for me right now. It was wonderful and awing, to receive such information. (An aside: I received images of a young girl, being given over by her family - struggling to be taken and crying along the way. "You weren't like the others, and I feel sorry for you(r situation)." a voice says. The hunt was on, and they both apart were part of it.)

Funny how this happens as I walk to path of love, family, forgiveness, and intuition....but really I know it's no coincidence. It is the synchronization of events together, just as it should be at a time when I am most receptive.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Psychic Awareness & the Path of Water...

They say things come in groups, specifically threes and as I sit here typing I feel all of these messages coming to me.

Two days ago (1st of February) I was really ill, sneezing my head off. I treated myself with Fluorite, was sick for that day, peaked the next day, and then today got better (as of today I am completely better.) The day I got really ill, that afternoon I had a psychic slap in the face and it occurred to me why I suddenly was getting ill - I needed to slow down psychically. Since the week before I'd been up all hours of the day, constantly working on things and I'd refused to give my body & mind a the Universe was doing it for me and forcing me to slow down. All this psychic awareness came at me and you can see the result in my LiveJournal.

Saturday (the 29th of January) was the Full Moon in Leo, a great time for creativity and to harness those energies. Right around that time (either on the day or just before) my necklace that I *always* wear fell off. Mind you I *never* take this off, and if I do it's only for a moment to cleanse it and then back on it goes. Essentially it's for protection, and it involves one or more of my religious charms at a time on the necklace.

Finally we have the energies of cleansing as associated with Imbolgc. That day is concerned with the preparation for growth (Ostara). And there I was with my head all stuffy (eg in dire need of cleansing!!!!)

So here we have me without my protection, riding the energies of the Full Moon in a sign that is polar my own Moon sign. I've developed an illness out of necessity to force me to do the necessary work on a major Sabbat, and voila my realization of this and acting on it has brought me to be better.

Then there is tonight...

I had the first of a 2-part psychic development class. We spoke on the use of the pendulum, did some exercises in sensing energy, feeling and seeing the aura. Discussed a bit about shielding and clearing space before doing work and set it up that we were to try some telepathy exercises in preparation to the next class.

On the way to class I hear the names Rosalie (Rosalee) and Watkins. Earlier in the evening I heard a little Spanish woman (an older woman) praying.

At the end of class, after having reflected on what a Murphy's Law filled day I've had I realize I still wasn't wearing my protection necklace....suddenly today makes more sense why I felt off and drained and just like everything was going awry!

Finally, I reflect on what this all means in my path walking. I'm walking the Path of Water - which is also associated with intuition...I feel as though I am really psychically opening up lately. Having had several dreams and message related to me as of late.