Monday, February 8, 2010

Interesting Dream

I dreamt I was giving a sweat lodge. It wasn't precisely the kind of lodge that I had attended before, but I think more to the point it was the message of something that I would/could be doing in the future.

It was strange, I know there was one woman who was very infirm there. It was more like a one-to-one sort of thing. But while it wasn't set up exactly like we did, it gave me the same "feel" if that makes any sense. There was a structure we went into and it was dark in there, but when we came out it was light.

The woman I helped seemed to have had trouble walking before and was improving afterwards, little by little.

The dream has triggered some very psychic energy though, I can really feel my third eye...which happened to me a few days ago with something else.

I have the interest, but I see the dream as something into the future by quite a bit. BUT, I don't have dreams like that, so for me to do so is very interesting.

Regardless of the meaning of the actual dream, whether it was literal or figurative I take it as a good omen.

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