Thursday, February 4, 2010

A Small Culmination on the Path of Water

Imagine if you will - your Third Eye, just where it would anatomically be, between your eyebrows and up a bit. It is squeezed shut however, and it's like something is taking a crowbar to it, prying it open. It hurts, o buddy does it hurt, but it hurts because you're holding on. You're gripping the fear of seeing and what you need to do is to let go and let love.

That's what's going on right now. I had a session with a client earlier today. It was rather impromptu but I think it went well. During the session I had the pleasure of actually sensating her aura - which though I may be an energy healer my clairsentience isn't my strong suit. But now I have the confidence (having decided to actively work with it).

After my session I was in such a good and jolly mood that I visited the Witch store. Having been there for a time, I nabbed a cup of tea and decided on 2 books by Ted Andrews I have been meaning to pick up Sacred Sounds and The Healer's Manual. I was about to leave when I had the memory of some fascinations that have been going on for the last few months. Growing ever stronger. I decided I would attempt to get some impressions from a reader about them if she was able. What I got was confirmation. It was that gentle nod from the Universe telling me that no I wasn't imagining it and there was more beneath the surface.

I had said just yesterday that I should investigate some past life of my "sister". Knowing more now than I did the first time the idea cropped into my head, and then here again I was getting the message that this is the thing to do for me right now. It was wonderful and awing, to receive such information. (An aside: I received images of a young girl, being given over by her family - struggling to be taken and crying along the way. "You weren't like the others, and I feel sorry for you(r situation)." a voice says. The hunt was on, and they both apart were part of it.)

Funny how this happens as I walk to path of love, family, forgiveness, and intuition....but really I know it's no coincidence. It is the synchronization of events together, just as it should be at a time when I am most receptive.

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