Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Psychic Awareness & the Path of Water...

They say things come in groups, specifically threes and as I sit here typing I feel all of these messages coming to me.

Two days ago (1st of February) I was really ill, sneezing my head off. I treated myself with Fluorite, was sick for that day, peaked the next day, and then today got better (as of today I am completely better.) The day I got really ill, that afternoon I had a psychic slap in the face and it occurred to me why I suddenly was getting ill - I needed to slow down psychically. Since the week before I'd been up all hours of the day, constantly working on things and I'd refused to give my body & mind a the Universe was doing it for me and forcing me to slow down. All this psychic awareness came at me and you can see the result in my LiveJournal.

Saturday (the 29th of January) was the Full Moon in Leo, a great time for creativity and to harness those energies. Right around that time (either on the day or just before) my necklace that I *always* wear fell off. Mind you I *never* take this off, and if I do it's only for a moment to cleanse it and then back on it goes. Essentially it's for protection, and it involves one or more of my religious charms at a time on the necklace.

Finally we have the energies of cleansing as associated with Imbolgc. That day is concerned with the preparation for growth (Ostara). And there I was with my head all stuffy (eg in dire need of cleansing!!!!)

So here we have me without my protection, riding the energies of the Full Moon in a sign that is polar my own Moon sign. I've developed an illness out of necessity to force me to do the necessary work on a major Sabbat, and voila my realization of this and acting on it has brought me to be better.

Then there is tonight...

I had the first of a 2-part psychic development class. We spoke on the use of the pendulum, did some exercises in sensing energy, feeling and seeing the aura. Discussed a bit about shielding and clearing space before doing work and set it up that we were to try some telepathy exercises in preparation to the next class.

On the way to class I hear the names Rosalie (Rosalee) and Watkins. Earlier in the evening I heard a little Spanish woman (an older woman) praying.

At the end of class, after having reflected on what a Murphy's Law filled day I've had I realize I still wasn't wearing my protection necklace....suddenly today makes more sense why I felt off and drained and just like everything was going awry!

Finally, I reflect on what this all means in my path walking. I'm walking the Path of Water - which is also associated with intuition...I feel as though I am really psychically opening up lately. Having had several dreams and message related to me as of late.

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