But on an entirely serious note, I don't believe in the grand scheme of things that as a Witch i need to seriously try and mess with the weather. I say this because I believe in "cause & effect". I also believe in chaos mind you and Murphy's Law. To the subject at hand, it is my belief that all of these marvelously strange and disconcerting weather patterns and events are a response from Gaia, Rhea, Mother Nature as I so fondly refer to Her. We as humans are very concerned with our superiority over the world we live in, even when it's abilities are far vaster than our own. Sure we can go to outer space and we can cure once uncurable diseases. But what is the cost for our haughtiness, that arrogant pride that we so instill within ourselves and our offspring? Now we have things we cannot explain, or wherein their explanation we realize some grave mistakes of our past, and present.
We now have more complicated and resilient diseases. And while it can be argued that some of these diseases were there all along, and merely misdiagnosed because we didn't have the tools and capability to see them for what they were, that's a moot point to me. We live in a world of our own making and Mother Nature is taking a stand. She is correctly, forcibly, the things we have incurred upon Her wrongly.
To me, disease, natural disasters, and other such fatal catastrophes are the ultimate population control - resulting in death. As a healer I seem to seek to preserve life, but I do not force it where it should not be. I do not go to great depths to undo the damage we have done to ourselves. I seek to bring awareness to our bodies so that we may live our lives well. And not continue to make the mistakes of our pasts. With every "mistake" or "negative action" there is a lesson to be learned. So it does not seem right to me to just fix it, when really one should be learning from it. Inevitably in truly doing so you will right it. Sometimes things happen merely for us to learn from them.
I believe in balance, and at this day and age, in order to achieve this balance some things must be cut away. It reminds me of The Tower from the Tarot. To me this card so often is not necessarily pleasant, but altogether necessary. It tells us that we are holding onto something and trying to inhibit a necessary change. Often times the more we hold onto things the more it hurts to let go, but we do not see it as that. To us it is unfair, it is wrong, it hurts and yet there is a reason for the ending of any cycle. You cannot invite new growth or changes or lessons without periodically sweeping away the old. So let go, let live, let die.
I'm not telling you not to fight, but consider what you're really doing. So often we, as humans, have mistakenly pursued a cause that "at the time" we thought was right, only to realize gravely too late that it was perhaps not the best course of action. How many species have we lost? How much land has been corrupted? What horrible diseases and other catastrophes have we invited upon ourselves due to our own self-serving arrogance?
Food for thought...
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